หลังจากได้รับจดหมายตอบรับอย่างเป็นทางการจาก มก. ควรส่งใบสมัครที่สถานทูตไทยหรือสถานกงสุลในประเทศของนิสิต (หรือถิ่นที่อยู่) เพื่อขอ Non-Immigrant ED Visa (ED Visa) ที่ใช้สำหรับการเข้าประเทศไทย
Information about the Visa process and the location of the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in each country is available here: http://www.thaiembassy.org/main/
- แบบเข้าประเทศไทยได้ครั้งเดียว: 90 วัน
- แบบเข้าประเทศไทยได้หลายครั้ง: หนึ่งปี
ระยะเวลาพำนักจะขึ้นอยู่กับการตัดสินใจของสถานทูต/สถานกงสุล นิสิตอาจได้รับ Non-Immigrant ED Visa ในขั้นต้นเป็นระยะเวลาไม่เกิน 90 วัน นับจากวันที่ เข้าประเทศครั้งแรก นักเรียนบางคนอาจได้รับวีซ่า ED ซึ่งครอบคลุมระยะเวลาการศึกษาทั้งหมด
- The semester term at KU is usually 4 or 5 months, so if you are issued a 90-day ED Visa initially, you will need to request a Visa Extension from The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th located in Bangkok. The KUIC can help you with that process.
- Most ED Visas are issues as a Single-Entry Visa. This means you may only enter Thailand one time under that Visa. Thus, if you wish to depart and re-enter Thailand, you must first apply for a Re-entry Permit (Single-Entry or a Multiple-Entry) at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th (or at the Immigration Office in Bangkok’s International Airport) before they depart. If you leave Thailand without applying for a re-entry permit, your original permission to stay for 90 days will be terminated automatically, and you will need to obtain a new valid ED Visa in order to re-enter and to complete your studies at KU.
Non-Immigrant ED Plus Visa
Non-Immigrant ED Plus Visa Information

- When the incoming student’s Visa is nearly expired (at least one month before the expiry date), the student must apply for an extension.
Failure to extend the Visa Penalty 500 THB/day
- ค่าธรรมเนียมการต่อวีซ่า 1,900 บาท
- หากอยู่เกินกำหนดวีซ่า มีโทษปรับ 500 บาท/วัน ถึงสูงสุด 20,000 บาท
- The KUIC will provide KU’s original official letter for extension of your educational stay.
- Please contact KUIC office at least one month before the expiry date; KUIC will, then arrange for you to get the KU’s original official letter needed, approved by the university executive.
หมายเหตุ: Students holding the Non-Immigrant ED Visa are not allowed to work in Thailand.
วิธีการขอรับเอกสารทางการจาก KUIC สำหรับการต่อวีซ่า
1. Prepare Required Documents
– A copy of the passport (portrait page + Thailand stamp pages)
– Visa information (the label on your passport or E-Visa PDF file)
– A copy of KU student ID card
– A letter of acceptance for the first-time extension or study hours information after the first extension.
2. Fill the Visa Application Form link: https://forms.gle/XL91ZhPAK4V7Aump6
3. Wait for KU’s original official letter Process within one month (We will send an email to you if your document is ready.)
4. Pick up the KU’s original official letter for Visa Extension at KUIC.
5. Submit the required documents follow this at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th
– KU’s original official letter
– Immigration Application Form (TM.7 for Visa extension)
– Passport
– Cash for fee 1,900 THB
– Receipt of notification or evidence that shows the landlord or property manager has already completed the TM.30 report
- Please note that you must have the official KU Student Extension letter and other documents required for Visa Extension before you arrive at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th. If you do not have the official documents for Visa Extension your submission for extension will be denied.
- You must plan ahead. Contact KUIC one month before the Visa expiration date to obtain the official document for Visa Extension.
Changing Types of Visa
Changing Types of Visa
The students MUST get the Non-Immigrant ED Visa before entering Thailand. Students who enter Thailand with other types of visa, such as Visa Exemption (Phor 60-Mor 17/ผ.60-ม.17) or Tourist Visa (TR), the students MUST change those Visa to be the Non-Immigrant ED Visa.
The example of Visa Exemption (Phor 60-Mor 17/ผ.60-ม.17) on a passport page.
The example of Tourist Visa (TR) on a passport page.
- The KUIC will provide the KU’s original official letter for changing types of Visa.
- Please fill out Visa application form at least one month before the expiry date. KUIC will prepare the KU’s original official letter for changing types of Visa signed by the university executive. You will come to KUIC to pick up the letter, ONLY, when you are inforned by KUIC email.
How to obtain the official documents for changing types of Visa from KUIC
1. Prepare Required Documents
– A copy of the passport (portrait page + Thailand stamp pages)
– Visa information (the label on your passport or E-visa PDF file)
– A copy of KU student ID card
– A letter of acceptance
2. Fill the Visa Application Form link: https://forms.gle/XL91ZhPAK4V7Aump6
3. Wait for KU’s original official letter Process within one month (We will send an email to you if your document is ready.)
4. Pick up the KU’s original official letter for Changing Visa at KUIC.
5. Bring and submit these required documents at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th;
– KU’s original official letter
– Immigration Application Form (TM.86 for Visa change, or TM.87 for ED Visa application)
– Passport
– Cash for fee 2,000 THB
– Receipt of notification or evidence that shows the landlord or property manager has already completed the TM.30 report
**Please keep in mind “Changing types of Visa” must be carried out at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th more than 15 days before Visa expiration.
Visa Cancellation
All international students at Kasetsart University are required to cancel their Non-Immigrant ED Visa.
Visa Cancellation Requirement: Upon graduation, you are required to cancel your Visa as per the academic calendar. This is an instruction from The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th.
Avoid Overstaying: The cancellation is necessary to avoid overstaying in Thailand. Overstaying can lead to fines.
Graduation Procedures: If you are graduating this semester, you must ensure all graduation-related procedures completed before requesting Visa cancellation.
- The KUIC will provide the KU’s original official letter for Visa cancellation.
- Please fill out Visa application form at least one month before the the cancellation date. KUIC will prepare the KU’s original official letter for Visa cancellation signed by the university executive. You will come to KUIC to pick up the letter, ONLY, when you are inforned by KUIC email.
How to obtain the official documents for Visa cancellation from KUIC
1. Prepare Required Documents
– A copy of the passport (portrait page + Thailand stamp pages)
– Visa information (the label on your passport or E-Visa PDF file)
– A copy of KU student ID card
– A letter of acceptance
2. Fill the Visa Application Form link: https://forms.gle/XL91ZhPAK4V7Aump6
3. Wait for KU’s original official letter Process within one month (We will send an email to you if your document is ready.)
4. Pick up the KU’s original official letter for Visa cancellation at KUIC.
5. Bring and submit these required documents at The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th;
– KU’s original official letter
– Passport
การรายงานตัว 90 วัน
การยื่นเอกสารรายงานตัว 90 วัน
วิธีการยื่นเอกสารรายงานตัว 90 วัน
This is a mandatory process required from all foreigners who are not Thai. The primary purpose is to register and to confirm your current address in Thailand.
It is your responsibility to do the 90-Day Report by yourself. The report can be made 15 days in advance, or within 7 days after the 90-day deadline. This is the example page of the 90-Day Report notice.
The example of Previous notifications of staying over 90 days.
นิสิตสามารถยื่นรายงาน 90 วันได้สามวิธีต่อไปนี้:
- ยื่นรายงานด้วยตนเอง
- ยื่นรายงานทางไปรษณีย์ลงทะเบียน
- Online (if you have previously completed the 90-Day Report in-person for the first time, you can submit the 90-Day Report online).
Information about the reporting process is available at: https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=1666
- กรอกแบบการแจ้งอยู่เกินกว่า 90 วัน (แบบ ตม.47)
- ส่ง ตม.47 พร้อมเอกสารดังต่อไปนี้
- Passport (copy all pages showing your most recent arrival stamp and Visa); be sure to take your passport with you if you go in-person to The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th)
- บัตรขาออก (ตม.6) (ถ่ายสำเนาด้านหน้าและด้านหลัง)
- ใบแจ้งความจำนง / ใบนัดหมาย (เอกสารคังกล่าวแสดงว่านิสิตทำรายงาน 90 วันสำเร็จแล้ว ดังนั้นนิสิตจะไม่มีเอกสารนี้หากเป็นการแจ้งเตือนครั้งแรกของนิสิต)
– The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a Visa extension.
– If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 5,000.- Baht.
– If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.
Students, who hold Non-Immigrant ED Visa, want to leave Thailand, they must obtain a Re-entry Permit Visa before leaving Thailand. If you depart and return without the valid Re-entry Permit Visa, your Non-Immigrant ED Visa will not be valided, then, you will need to re-apply a new Non-Immigrant ED Visa.
You may get either a One-time Re-Entry Permit or a Multiple-Entry Permit. If you plan to travel outside Thailand only one time, you may get a Single Re-Entry Permit. If you plan to travel out of Thailand more than once, you may get a Multiple Re-Entry permit.
The example of the single re-entry permit on a passport page
The example of the multiple re-entry permit on passport page.
- ใบอนุญาตเข้าใหม่ครั้งเดียว: 1,000 บาท
- ใบอนุญาตเข้าใหม่หลายครั้ง: 3,800 บาท
- กรอก คำขออนุญาตเพื่อกลับเข้ามาในราชอาณาจักรอีก (ตม.8) พร้อมแนบรูปถ่ายขนาดหนังสือเดินทาง
- Submit TM.8 Form at the Immigration Bureau (Government complex or Airports) with the following:
- สำเนาหนังสือเดินทางที่ไม่หมดอายุ
- หน้าแรกที่มีข้อมูลรูปถ่ายและบัตรประจำตัวของนิสิต
- หน้าวีซ่าและหน้าที่เกี่ยวข้องกับประเทศไทยทุกหน้า – แสดงรายการเข้า-ออกประเทศทั้งหมด
- Passport (take your passport with you to The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th)
- สำเนาหนังสือเดินทางที่ไม่หมดอายุ
Notification of alien accommodation
Notification of alien accommodation (TM. 30) is required to be submitted with other documents when any students would like to change types of Visa and/or to extend their Visa.
The Immigration Act, B.E. 2522, Section 38, requires that the owner of a house, dwelling, or hotel manager accommodating foreigners temporarily staying in Thailand must notify the local immigration office within 24 hours of the foreigner’s arrival. If there’s no local immigration office, the local police station should be notified. For accommodations in Bangkok, notifications should be made to the Immigration Division. The notification process should follow the regulations set by the Director-General.
For accommodations such as licensed hotels, guesthouses, mansions, apartments, business establishments, or general rental houses, the owner or business operator must notify using the form TM. 30. This ensures proper tracking and regulation of foreign nationals residing in the country.
ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม : Notification of alien accommodation
Notification of alien accommodation
- Your landlord / homeowner has a duty to report the residence of any foreigner staying at their property (within 24 hours of arrival) to the Immigration Bureau ().
- When the landlord / homeowner notifies Immigration, they must provide you, the student, a copy of TM.30 as an evidence. Be sure to request a copy of TM.30 as evidence from the landlord / homeowner.
- When you first arrive at the residence, you should ask the landlord / homeowner to report your residence, following TM.30 reporting procedures.
Required documents for notification of residence of foreigner (TM.30):
- Notification form (TM.30)
- Copy of ID card or passport of householder, the owner, or the possessor of a dwelling place, certified as a true copy.
- Copy of House Registration (pages of house particulars and particulars of the person as item 2).
- Copy of foreign passport:
- 4.1 Photo and information page
- 4.2 Arrival stamp page
- 4.3 Page of last extension Visa (if available)
- 4.4 Copy of departure card: TM.6 (If any)
หมายเหตุ: In case that give someone behalf, please bring the following documents:
- Letter of Authorization to conduct the notification with 10 Baht revenue stamp affixed.
For more information, please visit this link; Notifications of residence of foreigners for business system (Online)
2. You can show this following Thai document to the landlord / homeowner.
Location of The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th
The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty The King’s 80th
อาคารบี (ชั้น 2 ด้านทิศใต้) ถนนแจ้งวัฒนะ(ซอย 7) แขวงทุ่งสองห้อง เขตหลักสี่ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10210
วันจันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30-12:00 น. และ 13:00-16:30 น.
แผนที่ : : https://goo.gl/maps/dAfjMqmE28G3GJrw9